Academic Background
- 2017
- Phd in Computer Science - University of Castilla-La Mancha
- 2012
- First Certificate in English - University of Cambridge
- 2011
- Master in Advanced Computer Sciences Technologies - University of
Castilla-La Mancha
- Degree in Computer Science - University of Castilla-La Mancha -
”Software Engeniering” pathway
- 2009
- Teaching Certificate (CAP) - University Alfonso X el Sabio
- Technical Engineering in Computer Systems - University of
Castilla-La Mancha - ”Hardware Systems” pathway
- 2002
- Introduction to the creation of web and Internet resources with
Linux - National Distance Education University
- 2001
- Introduction to Unix with Linux - National Distance Education
- 1998
- Applications Development Technician - IES Escultor José Luis
Sánchez, Almansa (Albacete)
Other Training
- 2022/23
- Introduction to Agile Development and Scrum
- Introduction to Cloud Computing
- Introduction to Containers w/ Docker, Kubernetes &
- Introduction to DevOps
- Linux Cloud and DevOps
- Linux for Developers
- Linux Fundamentals
- Linux Tools for Developers
- Managing Linux Systems
- Open Source Software Development Methods
- Securing Linux Systems
- Using Git for Distributed Development
- 2023/24
- Comunicación eficaz: Aspectos que mejoran nuestra comunicación
docente en clase presencial y en clase online y cuidados de la voz
- Introducción al lenguaje Python
Introduction to Cloud
This badge
earner understands the basics of cloud technology and is able to
describe cloud platforms and models including IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, and
public, private and hybrid multiclouds. The badge earner is familiar
with essentials of cloud applications and terms like Virtualization,
VMs, Containers, Object Storage, Microservices, Serverless, Cloud
Native, and DevOps. The individual has also gained hands-on experience
at creating a cloud account and provisioning services on IBM Cloud.
Container & Kubernetes
Essentials V2
After earning this badge,
this credential earner is able to do the following: build and run a
container image; understand Kubernetes architecture; write a YAML
deployment file; expose deployment as a service; manage applications
with Kubernetes; use ReplicaSets, auto-scaling, rolling updates and
service binding; deploy services; and reap the benefits of OpenShift,
Istio and other key tools.
Source Software Development, Linux and Git Specialization
Earners of the Open Source Software Development, Linux and Git Specialization
have a strong foundation for working comfortably and productively in
open source development communities. They have a good understanding of
the Linux environment, as well as methods and tools required to
successfully use it, and are familiar with Git, the distributed version
control system.